The Covid-19 situation has meant that unfortunately the WCO has not been able to deliver face-to-face physical training to its member, since March 2020. Whilst, many Customs Administrations are adapting to staff home-working and many have used the drop in trade and travel to access training. The Compliance and Enforcement Sub-Directorate of the WCO, has addressed this by quickly moving to delivering virtual training using a mix of its e-Learning material on CLiKC! and online training delivered via interactive web based training forums.
The Compliance and Enforcement Sub-Directorate training has been made available to Members through a range of new online tools and has ranged from interactive sessions focused on improving targeting at particular port to Webinars to large and diverse audiences.
Examples of the training delivered during May and June include:
96 online trainings provided by the Container Control Programme to enforcement staff it is port control units;
12 Webinars provided by the Environment Programme in the field of wildlife crime, illegal wildlife trade and CITES enforcement, under the auspices of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC);
Risk Management Training for Bolivia and the Gambia;
Pitch Training focused on the trafficking of Cultural Heritage for Members in the Balkans and North and West Africa;
5 sessions of the Compendium on Customs Operational Practices for Enforcement and seizures (COPES) training were delivered to enforcement officers from Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, and Madagascar;
Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) webinars for Caribbean Customs and Russian speaking Experts; and
Programme Global Shield training for Central African Republic.
Mr. Pranab Kumar Das, Director Compliance and Facilitation praised the programme of events delivered by Compliance and Enforcement, citing it as an example of “WCO’s agility and quick response to the COVID situation”. The webinars have proved to be very popular, those delivered by the Environment Programme covered a wide range of topics, including ‘Introduction to Wildlife Crime and Illegal Wildlife Trade’, ‘Introduction to the CITES Convention’ and ‘CITES documents and document fraud’ and were delivered in cooperation with the CITES Secretariat (under International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime partnership), and were attended by officers from Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Sudan, Peru, Thailand, Uganda, and Vietnam. The STCE Caribbean Webinar was attended by 210 officers from 21 countries in the sub-Region including Members of the Caribbean Customs Law Enforcement Council, who were not Members of the WCO, and for whom this was the first opportunity for them to engage with WCO training. Mr. Patrick Nazir, from Suriname said, “I really liked this training, it was very nice and friendly explained. I learned a lot!”
The Compliance and Enforcement Sub-Directorate has further webinars and virtual trainings planned throughout July and August. For more details on the Compliance and Enforcement Programme activities please check the C&E Web pages and the CLiKC! webpage. Furthermore, the earlier adoption and successful start to online training means that Compliance and Enforcement are able to ensure that all its 2020/21 Corporate Plan commitments will be able to be delivered using these online tools.
